Feedburner reports in their blog post “how feeds will change the way content is distributed, valued, and consumed”
In it, it discusses the feedback loop which leads to advertising in RSS feeds.
Since the feed data is semi-structured, it is possible to enhance the feed with 3rd party services in a generalized way. Meta-data can be readily incorporated and other content can be spliced into the feed based on easily parsed feed elements. To illustrate this point, FeedBurner has been providing a number of basic feed enhancement services like meta-data additions (Media RSS, iTunes tags) and content splicing (links and photos) for some time now. But why should these enhancements only apply to the feed?
We can leverage the benefits of feed structure to allow publishers to provide a feedback loop to the Web site; the feed can become input to content on the site. There are unique capabilities that can be provided to the site as a function of performing transformations and enhancements to the feed derived from that web content. FeedBurner will be making several announcements throughout the winter regarding a thoroughly open approach to leveraging the structure of the feed in order to add activity and meta-data feedback to the site.