This is the age-old debate (since the relatively recent birth of search engines): Should you work on creating a great quality site that’s so good that people will want to link to or should you focus your energies on a linking campaign? In some SEO circles, this debate can get pretty heated. My take on this debate is you should do BOTH. While it’s great to expend all … [Read more...] about The Ongoing Debate: Developing Better Optimized Content vs. Aggressive Link Building
Search Engine Optimization Tips
Natural Link Building
In life as in the process of link building, too much of something is usually not a good thing. Let's look at why this is the case. When building links to your site, you'll definitely want to exercise moderation. Building too many links into your site at a time will likely get your site "sandboxed" by Google. Your site will be put in this sandbox for three to six months … [Read more...] about Natural Link Building
The Passing of the Google PageRank Update
For those who follow the Google PageRank (PR) updates with earnest, many will find changes happening to the algorithm this time round. It happened on Thursday. PageRank updates have been happening about once every 3-4 months. While PageRank is not something I'm not particularly fond of paying attention to because it has less effect on your rankings today, it does offer … [Read more...] about The Passing of the Google PageRank Update
Getting People to Put Up Ideal Links to You
What happens when another webmaster "stumbles" upon your site and finds it valuable or interesting for their site's visitors? How will they find YOUR desired link information to put up the link to you? One of the biggest mistakes I see webmasters make is not having an information page containing their link details. While optimizing my sites, I've come across a number of … [Read more...] about Getting People to Put Up Ideal Links to You
Optimized URLs For Search Engine Rankings
Your site URL plays an important role in several areas: Branding - If you provide products and/or services, having a easily identifiable name helps associate that product or service with your company. Let's say you provide travel information. By having a URL like, you instantly brand yourself with that service and become an authority. Of course, URLs like … [Read more...] about Optimized URLs For Search Engine Rankings